24 Hour Service
We know that your medical needs don’t stop when office hours are over. Using our help line ( 516-882-7473 ) and our email service ravigrover@grovermed.com , you can get a message to your health team when it is convenient for you.
Wellness Support
Our team will support you in building a healthier you. No matter what your health needs are, having a team support we will keep you on the path in meeting them. We work together to connect you with the services you need.
A Healthy Community
When you choose us, you join a community. We work not just with you but with other members of our community to build a network of people working together for a healthier world.
Professional Services
You can feel confident that your cases are being managed with compassion, timeliness and professionalism. We’ll take the load – coordinating everything from delivery of supplies.
Facility Details
Equipped and Comfortable Fitting Room
We care and understand the need of your privacy. We have an Equipped and Comfortable Fitting Room to try and test in , until satisfaction is achieved
Quiet and Comfy Seating
Quiet and Comfy Seating When someone visits Our Doctors and Experts
Shipping and Delivery
We provide Free and Fast Shipping in
Long Island, NY
5 Boroughs of NYC
Additional delivery charges may apply based upon the item purchased and/or the delivery address. Once the order has been placed you will receive a processing email and when the order is ready for shipping you will receive a second email once the order has been shipped. Orders placed after 12:00 Pm (noon) Central Standard Time will be processed for delivery the next business day for shipping.